how to find out if your phone number has been banned When you are unsure whether you have been blocked by someone, you could check into the year 2021. You may believe that someone has blocked your phone number from their phone; learn how to determine whether someone has blocked your phone number.

In today’s world that is flooded with technology, it may be easier than ever to connect with people. But it can also be easy to stop someone from communicating with you with a press of a button or two. And if you text someone and they keep getting no response, you may be wondering if this has happened to you. Can you tell if someone has blocked your messages? Find out how to find out if someone has blocked your phone number.
When someone blocks your number, there are several ways to be sure including unusual messages and how quickly your call will be transferred to voicemail. Let’s take a look at how to find out if someone has blocked your phone number and what you can do about it.
Since determining if you have been blocked is not necessarily straightforward, remember that the best way to find out is to ask the person directly. If this is not something you can do or want to do, we have some guides to help you decide if you are blocked.
We should start by saying that there is no definitive way to determine that you have been blocked; For example, you will not receive a notification or see an indicator in that person’s contact information. It would violate the privacy of the other user. But a little clue like no “delivered” message (on iPhones), as well as what you hear when you call the person, can help you determine if they’ve blocked you. In fact, figuring out if someone has blocked your phone number is much easier if you have an iPhone , and whether the person you’re texting does too.
how to know if someone blocked your iPhone number

How to find out if someone has blocked your iPhone number
There are two ways how to find out if someone has blocked your phone number. Justin Lovell, Chief Communications Officer for, explains how to tell if someone has blocked your number if you have an iPhone.
Examine your texting app, which is most likely iMessage. “When you send a message, you will very certainly receive a ‘delivered’ confirmation when the message is sent,” he told Reader’s Digest. Look for such confirmation in your messages with the individual you believe has blocked you. “The last communication you know was received and replied to…must be in the ‘delivered’ state,” LaVelle says. If you don’t see this “delivery” indication among your subsequent messages, it’s possible that this individual has blocked you.
Another way of how to find out if someone has blocked your phone number involves calling that person. “If you call a certain number and it immediately goes to voicemail, or you get a strange message like ‘temporarily out of service’ or ‘the person isn’t receiving calls,’ this could mean your number has been blocked,” Laville says. You probably did one of the things you shouldn’t do over text.
how to know if someone blocked your number for Android

Things are less clear if you or the person you’re texting with is an Android phone. Android phones do not have this “delivered” message on text messages, and even an iPhone user will not see a “delivered” notification while sending a text message to an Android user. Read on for How to find out if someone has blocked your phone number from texting using an Android phone?
If an Android user blocks you, says Lavelle, “your text messages will go through as normal; It will not be handed over to the Android user.” It’s similar to the iPhone, but without a “delivered” (or no) notification to let you know. “The simplest way to find out if you have been blocked by an Android user is to call,” LaVelle says. Like the iPhone case, listen until it’s transmitted to voicemail or play a pre-recorded message. Of course, this does not automatically mean that this person has blocked your phone number; Your call may be diverted to voicemail for other reasons. But if this happens frequently, and you receive wireless silence from calls and texts, you should consider that you have been blocked.
how to know if someone blocked your number for Android

To get started, you need to make sure that your text messages and calls don’t get to the person. If this is constantly the case, it is possible that you have been blocked.
Without asking the person whether you have been blocked or not, you can try the following method to see if it shows up as a suggested contact on your phone, which means that you are probably not blocked.
- Open the Contacts app on your Android mobile device.
- Click on the name of the person you suspect has blocked you.
- Tap the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of your screen.
- Press “Delete” to delete their contact information.
- Open the Contacts app again.
- Tap the search bar at the top of the screen and type in the person’s name.
If your friend’s name appears as a suggested contact, it’s very likely that he hasn’t already blocked you. If their name does not appear as a suggested contact, then it is possible that you have been blocked.
If you are now sure that you are not blocked, do not forget to re-enter your friend’s contact information.
What can you do when someone block your number

After how to find out if someone has blocked your phone number. Know what you can do when someone blocks your number.
Although you can’t do anything to unblock your number through their wireless carrier or from their phone, there are two ways to access or verify your number is actually blocked. If you try one of the options below and get a different result or a clue from the list above (provided you don’t answer), take it as evidence that you’ve been blocked.
Use *67 to hide your number from their caller ID when calling.
Hide your number using the settings in your phone to turn off your caller ID information on outgoing calls.
Call them from a friend’s phone or ask a trusted friend to call them for you.
Contact them directly through social media or email and ask them if they have blocked you.
Another way to get around the ban is to use a virtual phone number or an online calling service, which is something you can get with free phone calling apps.
When you use a different number to make an outgoing call, the recipient’s phone will see that new number, not your real number, thus avoiding blocking.