Fake NumbersWhatsApp

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp 2021 free

the fake number for WhatsApp 2021 Today, we’ll teach you how to create a phony WhatsApp number without spending a dime, so you may install WhatsApp on your phone, laptop, or any other device that doesn’t have a SIM card. Simply follow the steps outlined in this article..

WhatsApp is the most popular communication and messaging program today, with millions of users present on a global scale. When you use WhatsApp, you can remain in touch with family and friends, and we can group friends and family into one group, chat with them as a group, and exchange photographs and videos with them.

Just as it is easy to deal with WhatsApp and understand how it works from first sight, there are some tricks that we want to try, including how to run WhatsApp on the computer and dispense with the phone completely, and among these tricks there is another wonderful trick that we always want to implement where sometimes we ask We asked ourselves this question “How to get a fake number for WhatsApp” Is it really possible or is it a fantasy, or is it something that needs to pay some money? All this and more we will answer in this article that shows you how to get a fake number for WhatsApp.

Today’s idea will be distinct and different so that you will learn how to work WhatsApp without having a phone chip or number, and this will be easy and simple, and all this through some of the distinguished applications that we will mention now.

fake number for WhatsApp 2021

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp

#1 fake number using the SafeUM app

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
WhatsApp with SafeUM

Since many users have many devices that do not have a “SIM” card such as a phone (such as a computer or laptop), the problem is that in order to use WhatsApp without a phone number, you will need to use some tricks, which we will mention some of them today.

Implementation steps:

1 . The first step: is to download the version of WhatsApp for businessmen, which is WhatsApp Business , and after downloading it to your phone, install it.Download WhatsApp Business from Google PlayDownload WhatsApp Business apk

2. The second step: What you will do is download an application called “ SafeUM ” which will give you the fake phone number.Download safeum

3. The third step : When you open the safeum application, you will click on the word “SignUp”, which you will find below.

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
Click on SignUP

4. Step Four: Register an account in the application by entering an email and password, and to keep the number you will get, you must save the email and the password you set.

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
Write an email and a password

5. The fifth step:  Enable the automatic login and then click on start using the application.

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
Activate automatic recording and follow-up

Important note:  Sometimes an error may appear when trying to complete this step, and the solution is to continue trying continuously for a minute or two.

6. Step Six : The application will open with you, then you will copy the number you got, go to WhatsApp Business, paste the number and register normally.

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
Copy the number and paste it in WhatsApp Business

7. The last step: A message will be sent containing a code or a phone call with the code that you will put in WhatsApp, and with this your new WhatsApp account is ready to use.

#2 Using 2ndline


This is the second method that will answer the question “How do you get a fake number for WhatsApp?” This method depends on downloading a small program called “2ndline”, as this program will give you fake American numbers through which you can register in WhatsApp without needing a phone number.

All programs that give fake or American numbers contain some problems and this application will work to avoid these problems, and it will make a fake phone number valid for WhatsApp activation and also valid for activating many other services.

First: We will download the copy of WhatsApp Business that we mentioned earlier, which is by going to Google Play and searching for “WhatsApp Business” or “WhatsApp Business”.

How to get a fake number for WhatsApp
Download WhatsApp Business from Google Play

This WhatsApp version is similar to the regular WhatsApp version, but the WhatsApp company has dedicated it to businessmen only, and all you have to do is download it to your phone. It is like the regular WhatsApp version and there is no difference in appearance.

Secondly, we will install WhatsApp Business and then download the “ 2ndline ” application, which is the application that will give you the fake numbers, and all you have to do is download the application on your phone and install it as normal as other applications.

You can follow this guide that explains the 2ndline program with an explanation of how to get a fake number for WhatsApp through this page or watch this third-party video that will explain to you many important things.

This was an explanation of two ways on how to get a fake number for WhatsApp, knowing that there are many different applications and methods, many of which we mentioned on our “ US Number ” website .

In the end, if you encounter any problems or have any other query, you can put it in the comments and we will answer you, and you can also share this topic with friends interested in this position, and if you want to run WhatsApp on the computer, you can view this comprehensive guide to run WhatsApp on the computer without a phone .

Fake number for WhatsApp 2021

Although this topic contains a lot of ways that enable you to get a fake number for WhatsApp. There are many, many other ways by which you can get a fake WhatsApp number, whether American, Chinese , Russian, or any other country.

We have explained on our website a lot of explanations related to ways to obtain fake numbers, and you can refer to these topics if you want to get a fake number for WhatsApp.

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